My baby brother Andrew, his wife Kim, and their perfect baby boy Jeremy are stationed in Baumholder, Germany. Baby Jeremy was born in Germany (you may remember our international baby shower), and has celebrated all of his milestones overseas (he is only nine months and has been walking, running, dancing, and talking for months!!). My brother and his family planned their first trip home to the states and I offered to throw Jeremy an early first birthday party so that he wouldn't have to miss out on the huge family celebration. My brother and his wife Kim decided they want to have a Super Hero Party, so a week into their stay (they visited the US for a month, two weeks in New York and two weeks here in California) all of our crazy relatives and friends showed up to party, and meet the handsome baby boy!!
We are lovers of chalk and chalkboard signs (thank you hubby for making me a ton for Mothers Day, I am sure we will use them forever!!), so we decorated the front walk and porch with our favorite Super Words!
A Super Hero must wear a disguise, right?!? We had two sided satin capes and felt lightening bolt masks made for each of our guests! As guests walked in they were greeted by our table full of goodies.
There was a great deal on streamers (only 50 cents!) So we figured we would decorate the house in our favorite super colors! We picked red, black, blue, yellow, orange, and green and hung streamers from the ceiling. Baby Jeremy loved to stare up at the pretty colors!
Every Super hero needs a city to save, right? My daughter helped me build this awesome little city out of cardboard boxes, paint and construction paper. We use the city as the backdrop for our food table. We had a Super Dog buffet (we offered guests ten different kinds of hot dogs, plus our usual salads)
Our city even had a mini Super Jeremy flying above it!
I think that my favorite thing were the Jolt Sodas that I found at BevMo. They matched the lightening bolt masks, and they tasted delicious!
We had table set up outside with different colored table clothes. As center pieces I used balloon anchors and attached supper words on each of the sparkly wires sticking out.
And of course the kids all had a blast!!