Pink Baby Shower

I know, who throws their own baby shower?!?!  In my defense my sister in law and best friend hosted my shower, I just decorated :)

Mommy, Julie, and baby Jemma (In the belly)
Jemma Bellas nursery is decorated with pink cherry blossoms, so we thought we would take that theme and  use it to decorate for the party. Melonie and I started by making tissue paper flower balls (so easy!!). We then started making the paper accents, our baby banner, labels for the food, and water bottles. Melonie handmade the gifts with pink scrapbook paper, tulle, and chocolate. We then made a visit to our favorite French bakery in town and bough some yummy cakes and lemonade!!

My best friends and the ladies in my family joined us for baby games, yummy and gifts!! It was an amazing day.

The spread (pregnant ladys need food)

Gifts for our guests

Gotta keep baby hydrated

Grandma and her grandbabies

Hand made gifts