Valentines decor at the Aller Farm

I love the valentines prints you can find all over the internet, print them out, frame them and add a little holiday love throughout your house!

My great grandma owned a florist shop back in Kansas, part of my inheritance was hundreds of vintage vases like the valentines one in the picture
Vintage crystal full of roses and a hand painted sign
Valentines slip ccovers for my throw pillows
We love Valentines day around here. When I first started decorating I had store bought streamers and giant cardboard hearts. As time went by I built up my collection of vintage decorations and hand made trinkets. We have found ways to incorporate our every day things with our favorite holiday goodies, like our vintage scale full of hearts.

Our decorations are easy to put up and take down so we will be able to transition to St. Pattys day on the 15th!